Quick DIY Refurb shelf/stand project

I had gotten this shelf awhile ago for free but really haven’t used it because I didn’t like the grey color.


So I decided to use these two handy dandy products from Home Depot to jazz it up a little. First I primed it, let it sit overnight. Then the next day I took it out in my garage and went to town with the Lacquer. Let me tell ya, this stuff is POTENT as heck so make sure your in a well ventilated area if your gonna use it.


I probably should have sanded this project a little first, as I think I might have been able to get some minor flaws out of it but…. Next time I guess. Overall I am happy how it turned out and it will be very useful in my bathroom. Quick, easy and it looks so much better in black.


It’s amazing how you can transform things in to something different in such a short time and with little effort. I LOVE IT!

Hope you all had a great weekend.


Clever Tips and Tricks for your household

Happy Sunday all. Got these awesome ideas from a friend and thought they were worth sharing.

Want an easy way to slice those little cherry tomatoes? Try this out – Put a bunch between two plastic lids and run a long knife through them all at once.


Don’t you love when you go to use your brown sugar and its all hard? Keep it soft by placing a couple of marshmallows in your bag.

Brown Sugar

I thought this one was a FANTASTIC idea as we always have shoes piled up all over the floor. Put a coat rack on the bottom of the wall and store your shoes safely – NO MORE TRIPPING!!

Coat Rack - Shoes

I find bobby pins ALL OVER the place thanks to my sweet pea daughter. So I am putting up a magnetic strip like this and hope it does the trick.

Bobbie Pins

But if you prefer not to do this and you want something to store them in, a perfect little tic roc dispenser will do wonders too…

Tic Toc Bobbi Pins

Here is a problem solver when your trying to drill a hole in the wall and end up with dust everywhere. Solve it with a post it note to catch the dust 🙂

Post it note

Have an extra corkboard laying around, along with all your jewelry? Try this out for a nifty way to keep these items organized.

Jewelry Board

How about those extra knives that never fit into the knife block you have – add some skewers and tada you have that problem solved too.

Knife Block

I remember coming home last summer and my house STUNK something fierce. I could not figure out what it was until I opened my pantry and found old rotten onions. So take your old pantyhose and give this a shot – they are supposed to last for months this way, plus it will eliminate all the peels that fall all over as well.


Its ALMOST that time to start planting – create a thrifty watering can by putting holes in the lid of a used milk jug.

Milk Jug Water Pourer


Do your pets leave fur all over everything like mine? Well put that squeegee to work and remove it 🙂


I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea since I do a lot of painting. Although the plastic trays are not too expensive, they are flimsy, so instead put a piece of tinfoil in the sturdy ones and make clean up simple.

Tin Foil on Paint Trays

Make your grilled cheese in a breeze – prepare it as normal and turn your toaster on the side and stick it in…

Grilled Cheese Toasted

Want to have some clear ice cubes just to make things a little cuter? Instead of using tap water, boil it first but let it cool some and pour into your trays. This is what you will get.

Clear Ice

Make stuffed peppers a little easier with your handed dandy muffin pan. I am finding more and more that muffin pans are similar to mason jars in that there are SO MANY USES.

Stuffed Peppers

Hate it when potatoes start to bud and spout everywhere? Prevent that from happening by adding an apple to your bag.

Appple in potatoes

Love boiled eggs but not so much the kind that are extremely difficult to peel? When boiling, add a half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water and the shell will peel off incredibly easy.

Peel Egg

Don’t toss out those old bread tags, instead use them to label all your household power cords.

Bread Tags

Want to prevent the wax build up on the bottom of your votive candle holders? Use a non-stick cooking spray to solve this dilemma.

Spray for Candles

Got little ones who like to play artists on your walls? Give the good old WD40 a try to remove crayon marks from any surface.


Having a hard time hanging your pictures straight? Put a dab of toothpaste on the frame where you need the nails to be. Then simple press against the wall to leave marks that can be easily wiped later. Works as a perfect guide.


Want to reduce the drying time it takes to get a load of clothes dry? Put a towel in with a wet load and this is supposed to greatly reduce the drying time.

Towel in Laundry

Want to know if your eggs are still fresh? Immerse them in a bowl of water. Fresh eggs will lie on the bottom while stale eggs will float to the surface. Good to know right!

Good and Bad Eggs

Got some concrete outside that loves to grow weeds between the cracks? Sprinkle salt in the spaces to get rid of them, but remember not to get it near your plants because this will kill them as well.

Salt in Cracks

Not sure if your wooden cutting board is REALLY clean? Sprinkle a handful of salt on it and rub with a half of lemon. Rinse clean with water and dry to ensure it is clean and germ-free.

Lemon to clean

I LOVE to re-arrange but I HATE the fact that it leaves indents in the carpet. SO YAY I am totally trying this out – place ice cubes (It’s ok to use the cloudy kind – ha ha) along the indents and it is supposed to pull the carpet back up. Interesting I thought.

Ice Cube

Love flowers, hate that the soil goes everywhere? Use a handy coffee filter to prevent soil from escaping through the holes in the base of your flowerpots.

Coffee Filter

Got an annoying leaky faucets with a drip that drives you crazy? Tie a piece of string around the faucet which is long enough to each down to the sink.

String on Faucet

Got a drawer full of old scissors that are too dull to cut anything? Grab a piece of sandpaper and cut through that to sharpen them right up.

Sharpen Scissors

Got some furniture scratches you would like to see fixed? Check this out…

Walnut fixes

Can’t get that jar open? Grab the rubber bands, place one around the lid and one around the jar to give it a nice grasp and open without slipping.

Rubber Band on Jars

NO MORE ONION TEARS – put some white vinegar on your chopping board (this will not affect the taste of your onion) and you will have no more tears.

No more tears onions

Clean up our linen closet and make more room by storing sheets inside their pillowcases.

Sheets in a pillow

Stubborn stains in your toilets? Most are white like our teeth SHOULD be so drop a couple of dentures cleansing tablets into the toilet bowl at night to FIGHT off those stubborn stains.

Denture Cleaner in Toilets

Keep those pesky summer flies from getting in to your drinks by creating a cupcake cover – so cute and great idea.

Muffin Papers

I recently got some new dress pants. And I THOUGHT I would be able to wear a belt cause they were a little big, but soon discovered that there was only two loops in the front so my belt would ride up my back (Looked pretty classy ;P Anyways I took a binder clip and folded it over my pant waist and the belt and HOORAY it worked and it wasn’t noticeable or uncomfortable. Sorry no pic on this one but if you have the same problem you should try it out. However you can also use these awesome binder clips in your fridge to keep staked bottles in place in the fridge.

Binder Clips and Bottles

I TOTALLY DESPISE when I buy things and they are packaged like this below and are impossible to open – so I am beyond thrilled to see this AMAZING tip…

Can opener

Got a broken light bulb? Pull it out easily with a potato cut in half.

Potatoe light fix

This one is brilliant as well – Laundry day – Grease stains WHAT DO I DO??? Use chalk to remove these grease stains from clothes – simple rub it on the affected area and wash as usual. The chalk will absorb the grease and be washed away in the cycle.

Chaulk and Greese

Like your wine chilled and not watered down? Freeze grapes and put them in your glass instead. They are pretty too!~

freeze grapes

Don’t let that pan boil over anymore – take a wooden spoon and place it over the top to proven this from happening.

wooden spoon spill over

Another favorite of mine…

Rubber band on Paint Can

Rubber bands are ranking right up there with Mason Jars and Muffin pans – ha ha Use one to rescue a stripped screw…

Rubber Band Stripped Screws

And to prevent your shirts from REPEATED falling off the hanger…

Rubber Band and Hangers

And because I am a crafter and the main thing I make is signs – this IS MY FAVORITE IDEA YET!!!

Pop Tab Hangers


Hope you all had an AMAZING weekend.


Getting Happier & Healthier one DROP at a time!

How’s everybody doing??? I’ve made a couple posts about how much I love my Young Living Essential Oils. Are you curious about how essential oils work?

Check out this short and sweet video made by a fellow Lemon Dropper explaining how essential oils work in our bodies. You won’t regret it! I swear to you, it’s short!! 😉

For more information email me at rustickexpressions@gmail.com

Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful weekend!!! And more nice weather is headed this way!! Yahoo. 😁

Have a great week all!
